

Hotels, restaurants and lakeside bars 

A journey to the world of tastes, gastronomic experiences and a variety of gourmet programs await the fans of culinary joys. 

One may choose from the great variety of different catering facilities such as highly recognized restaurants, road-housess, wine cellars, brassieres, coffee houses, confectioneries and other lakeside facilities.  The apartments are self-sufficient, which ensures gastronomy experiences according to individual needs.

Catering at Balaton is equal to delicious food and wines. The food types of the region are very diverse, some national foods such as scones, pancakes, puff pastries filled with fruits, pone and other potato based dishes have become the favourites of the guests .

This region with its special climate gives the origins to wine types such as Olaszrizling, Chardonnay, Muscatel, Szürkebarát, Kékfrankos, Merlot or Zweigelt. The bottled flavour of Hungarian fruits, the "kisüsti pálinka" known as Hungaricum is to be found in Vödörvölgy. Taste the flavour of this special region along with a nice dinner! Wine types produced around lake Balaton have specific characters. Spending time at a wine cellar will delight all of our senses as the flavour of wines is paired with the beauty of the view. The lake is bluer, the wine hills are greener and the white-walled press houses and villages at the bottom of the hills are even more beautiful watched through the wine glass. More and more events, festivals and wine celebrations are promoting wine, which also give excellent entertainment opportunities to the guests.